I had some free time recently and thought I would create some 'generic' graphics for use with game streamers, namely Twitch.
I've visited many streams over the years and most of the time I think to myself "wow their graphics look horrible" (like something drawn in M$ Paint that took all of a minute to create).
I've also tried to google 'free twitch graphics', and saw/found that any good ones are hard to come by (at least in my opinion), or if they are good, they cost. Most that I saw were very plain/generic (2 solid colors), or bad pattern/layout or bad color scheme, etc.
None-the-less, I have created some graphics that are 'generic', but more appealing to the eye than most (I hope). I left the color scheme very subtle and mostly kept it to a white/black/grey/translucent theme, although the hint of color within (default is a blue/grey) is easily changeable via hue adjustment. The font used is clean/simplistic with a hint of shade and a solid border.
I have created as many generic banner labels as I could possibly think of, as well as creating a few 1920x1080 'screens', namely 'starting stream', 'be right back', 'intermission', 'ending stream' and 'stream offline'.
Anyway... here are the graphics (free to use, but please include the 'graphics by soulkobk' banner on your page). Whether on a white, grey or black page background the banners look nice and clean.
Stream Banner Labels
...am I missing any banner labels? or want a custom one added? let me know via social message (twitter/discord/etc)
And here are the screens (please keep the graphics as-is, do not modify them in any way)...
Stream Screens
*Note that the 'pink' sections of the above graphics are 'chroma key' sections (usable within OBS) to make it translucent so that you can place a web cam or such behind it. One of them is a 4:3 ratio, the other is a 16:9 ratio.
Please also note that any 'custom' adjustments (color changes, custom additions, text changes, etc) to these screen graphics will incur a small charge to do so. Again... please do NOT modify any of the graphics in any way.
I have also created a Twitter/Twitch banner in the same theme should anyone want one, but this will also incur a small charge. The example is below...
Twitter And Twitch Banner
Whatever the case, I hope that someone finds these graphics of use, as it would be nice to see them used (be sure to pm/link me if you do use them, so I can check out your stream).
Thanks, and I hope they will be of use.
Until next time.