Hi there to all that check out my blog and are now reading this post... I just thought I'd do a quick update to briefly explain why there hasn't been any posts since July 2018.
The gist of it is that things in/around my life have changed in a rather big way (I won't elaborate at this time), so work life and family life have taken priority.
My scripting/coding has ceased since July 2018, and the projects I that was involved in have ceased to have any development done by myself (specifically RELOADED and A3Wasteland for ArmA 3).
I now work 3 separate part-time jobs (which pretty much make up full-time work), as an ICT Engineer for a big firm, a Graphic Designer for a print/signage business and a Co-Manager of a retail store. It's hectic to say the least and I feel mentally warn out most days dealing with (juggling) everything... but it just needs to be done at this point in time... hence my absence in and around this blog (and being on-line).
You'll still find me around Steam/Discord from time to time when I get the chance to (for those that take notice), or you may catch me online playing my go-to game... ArmA 3 whilst I run around shooting-all-the-things! Although I do not currently use my main gaming handle whilst in-game, but those that know of me should know the gaming handle anyway (and blackSheep).
As for graphic design requests that people have made since July 2018... I have kindly declined any requests... as I just don't have the time. There are plenty of other decent graphic designers out there... you just have to find them (and yes... you get what you pay for!).
Among all the life changes, I still battle with my health (and mental health) due to issues stemming from a severe accident I had over a decade ago now... and to this day it's still draining, and also mentally draining, but I keep on keeping on... taking it day by day and week to week.
November is just about half-way through, and the festive season is creeping up also... this year has certainly gone a lot faster than I expected it to... but I guess that's part to being extremely busy.
If I don't do any blog posts before next year... a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!
Anyways... thanks for taking the time to read... until next time.
The gist of it is that things in/around my life have changed in a rather big way (I won't elaborate at this time), so work life and family life have taken priority.
My scripting/coding has ceased since July 2018, and the projects I that was involved in have ceased to have any development done by myself (specifically RELOADED and A3Wasteland for ArmA 3).
I now work 3 separate part-time jobs (which pretty much make up full-time work), as an ICT Engineer for a big firm, a Graphic Designer for a print/signage business and a Co-Manager of a retail store. It's hectic to say the least and I feel mentally warn out most days dealing with (juggling) everything... but it just needs to be done at this point in time... hence my absence in and around this blog (and being on-line).
You'll still find me around Steam/Discord from time to time when I get the chance to (for those that take notice), or you may catch me online playing my go-to game... ArmA 3 whilst I run around shooting-all-the-things! Although I do not currently use my main gaming handle whilst in-game, but those that know of me should know the gaming handle anyway (and blackSheep).
As for graphic design requests that people have made since July 2018... I have kindly declined any requests... as I just don't have the time. There are plenty of other decent graphic designers out there... you just have to find them (and yes... you get what you pay for!).
Among all the life changes, I still battle with my health (and mental health) due to issues stemming from a severe accident I had over a decade ago now... and to this day it's still draining, and also mentally draining, but I keep on keeping on... taking it day by day and week to week.
November is just about half-way through, and the festive season is creeping up also... this year has certainly gone a lot faster than I expected it to... but I guess that's part to being extremely busy.
If I don't do any blog posts before next year... a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!
Anyways... thanks for taking the time to read... until next time.