Friday, August 14, 2020

Oceanic Wolf Pack, Group, Graphics and More!

So, what is 'Oceanic Wolf Pack'?In short... OWP is a PC gaming group/community.To further explain... It was a general conversation between online gaming friends on multiple occasions that sparked the interest in forming our own group, we threw around ideas and did some brain-storming about wanting something better, more inviting, friendly and mature for our online gaming (mainly Milsim within the game Arma 3).An then on February 29th 2020, 'Oceanic...

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

My One And Only Post For 2019!

Hey all... So I haven't posted to my blog since 2018.Why? I have been rather busy dealing with life, and kinda/sorta lost interest in keeping this blog updated with my goings-on.From major life changes regarding family life and giving support where it was needed, to working as an on-site IT Support Engineer for two of Australia's largest ICT firms (contracted to different companies), and also stepping in as a Manager for a retail business and getting...

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Hi... Life Has Been Extremely Busy!

Hi there to all that check out my blog and are now reading this post... I just thought I'd do a quick update to briefly explain why there hasn't been any posts since July 2018. The gist of it is that things in/around my life have changed in a rather big way (I won't elaborate at this time), so work life and family life have taken priority. My scripting/coding has ceased since July 2018, and the projects I that was involved in have ceased to have...

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

FREE Twitch Graphics Take Two, Banner Labels And Screens

Yes you read right, FREE Twitch graphics... take two! I had some free time recently and thought I would create another set of 'generic' graphics for use with game streamers, namely Twitch. This time around whilst I was checking out another graphic designer and his recent attempts at some Twitch graphics... I thought to myself 'how hard would it be to recreate those effects?'... needless to say, I figured it out fairly quick. I adjusted, tweaked,...